The Real World - Season 3 : Episode 16


  • Reality

The Real World: San Francisco is the third season of MTV's reality television series The Real World, which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months in a different city each season, as cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It was the second season of The Real World to be filmed in California after The Real World: Los Angeles in 1993. The Real World: San Francisco is noteworthy for the depiction of Pedro Zamora's struggle with AIDS, and his and other cast members' confrontations with David "Puck" Rainey, which led to Rainey's eviction. This conflict provided considered what Entertainment Weekly calls emotional high points for the season, and are credited with making The Real World a hit, for which it was ranked #7 on Time magazine's list of 32 Epic Moments in Reality-TV History. The season is also notable for featuring the first-ever same-sex commitment ceremony on TV, between Zamora and his partner, Sean Sasser.

Season 3 Episodes


Episodes : 22


Episodes : 27



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